Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “GPTs”
mggg's Blog
Solving Custom GPT Bug: Making Hyperlinks Clickable
Making Hyperlinks Clickable in GPT-Generated Content Ensuring that hyperlinks are clickable in content generated by Custom GPTs is essential for maintaining user engagement and optimizing for search engines. This guide will address common issues like links not being clickable, hyperlinks not working in Chrome, and making image hyperlinks interactive.
Understanding the Issue of Non-Clickable Links Non-clickable links in GPT-generated content can be frustrating. This can be a simple oversight, such as a missing HTML tag, or a more complex issue, such as a system bug termed “not just a bug.
mggg's 博客
给GPTs添加带货功能 最近实现了一个根据用户心境,来推荐相应书籍的GPTs: Random Book Generator
如果用户对这本书感兴趣,想了解更多的话, 这个GPTs就可以进行详情推荐,向用户推荐这本书可以在哪里购买, 如下图所示
实现 如果推荐不是很多,一句prompt就可以搞定, 在GPTs builder里面输入: 以下是推荐«反脆弱» 和«10x is easier than 2x»两本书示例:
You are a GPT that recommends books. Please try to satisfy users' inquiries as much as possible, attract them to read, and recommend these books at the end of your response along with the links. - Antifragile: - 10x is easier than 2x: is easier than 2x 如果推荐很多的话, 可以使用一张csv来维护
Book Name description url … … .